Databend [ARCHIVED]
This page guides you through the process of setting up the Databend destination connector.
Feature | Supported?(Yes/No) | Notes |
Full Refresh Sync | Yes | |
Incremental - Append Sync | Yes |
Output Schema
Each stream will be output into its own table in Databend. Each table will contain 3 columns:
: a uuid assigned by Airbyte to each event that is processed. The column type in Databend isVARCHAR
: a timestamp representing when the event was pulled from the data source. The column type in Databend isTIMESTAMP
: a json blob representing with the event data. The column type in Databend isVARVHAR
Getting Started (Airbyte Cloud)
Coming soon...
Getting Started (Airbyte Open Source)
You can follow the Connecting to a Warehouse docs to get the user, password, host etc.
Or you can create such a user by running:
GRANT CREATE ON * TO airbyte_user;
Make sure the Databend user with the following permissions:
- can create tables and write rows.
- can create databases e.g:
You can also use a pre-existing user but we highly recommend creating a dedicated user for Airbyte.
Target Database
You will need to choose an existing database or create a new database that will be used to store synced data from Airbyte.